In addition to our annual national and provincial report cards on child and family poverty, Campaign 2000 releases research and reports to advance policy thinking and inspire action against child and family poverty in Canada. We also provide timely updates on what’s happening on the ground in each province and territory through our e-news bulletins.
Campaign 2000 participates in federal pre-budget consultations and provides written submissions annually. We also closely monitor important government policies and programs related to children and families and provide commentary and analysis through letter writing campaigns, petitions and face-to-face meetings with government and coalition partners.
Child poverty by federal riding: the work ahead for Canada’s next Parliament
Riding by Riding Child Poverty Report (June 2018) English and French
Estimating the Cost of Raising Children Project: Setting agenda for Canada paper available on the C2000 Projects page (final paper released September 2017).
Campaign 2000’s Pre-Budget Submission for the 2018 Federal Budget: The case for investing in poverty reduction (August 2017)
Canada Poverty Reduction Strategy submission to the federal government: Federal Action Plan to Eradicate Poverty (available in English or French) accompanied by an infographic (June 2017)
Joint submission on poverty among LGBTQ+ Canadians: What are the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ+) people that should be addressed by Canada’s Poverty Reduction Strategy (CPRS) (June 2017)
Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy Brief: Measuring Poverty, Meeting Targets and Addendum (May 2017)
2016 Federal Pre-Budget Submission: Laying the ground work to End Child and Family Poverty in Canada (February 2016)
Pre-election resources: Mapping Child Poverty
Research Backgrounder: Mapping Child Poverty: A Reality in Every Federal Riding – trends, analysis and recommendations.
Media Release in English and French (October 2015)
Infographic – child poverty in every riding/community across Canada.
The Case for Federal Leadership against Poverty
The maps below showing child poverty by riding highlight that child poverty is an issue in every federal riding. This is contrary to claims that it is not an issue in more affluent parts of the country. Wealthy ridings in wealthy cities are home to high numbers of low income children and families. This is the case in Toronto Centre, which is a riding mixed with wealthy and low-income neighbourhoods. The child poverty rate there is a startling 37.8%.
Child poverty by riding maps:
- British Columbia
- Prairies
- Ontario and Quebec
- GTA (Greater Toronto Area)
- Atlantic Provinces
- Canadian Territories
Campaign 2000 Short Grid on Party Platforms
To learn more about where each federal party stands on eradicating child/family poverty, view infographic for more detailed analysis and comparison of party platforms. This document is put together based on publicly available information as of 10:00AM EST, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2015.
Campaign 2000 E-bulletin
The Campaign 2000 E-Bullentin provides updates on the activities of Campaign 2000 and partner organizations working to end child and family poverty in Canada. With political analysis, commentary on party platforms and government action (and inaction) and links to the latest research reports.
Read current issue: Campaign 2000 E-Bulletin (Aug 2017)
Read past issues of C2000 bulletin (formerly End Child Poverty Now):
- Campaign2000 E-Bulletin (July 2016)
- Campaign 2000 E-bulletin (Fall 2015)
- ECP NOW, Summer 2014
- ECP NOW, Summer 2013
Past Discussion Papers
Summoned to Stewardship: Make poverty reduction a collective legacy
Campaign 2000 Policy Perspectives, prepared by Marvyn Novick, September 2007.
Summoned to Stewardship [English, pdf, 48pp 431KB]
Invitation la gestion [French, pdf, 13pp 105KB]
Pathways to progress: Structural solutions to address child poverty
Written by Christa Freiler, Laurel Rothman and Pedro Barata, May 2004.
Executive Summary [English, pdf, 14pp 95KB]
Full paper [English, pdf, 82pp 360KB]
Les voies du progrés : solutions structurelles pour s’attaquer la pauvreté infantile
Full paper: 40 pages
Résumé [French, pdf, 16pp 105KB]
Rapport [French, pdf, 83pp 390KB]
Order this paper by emailing [email protected]. The executive summaries of the discussion papers below are available for download. The complete discussion papers may be ordered at a cost of $15.00 each.
Fundamentals First: An Equal Opportunity from Birth for Every Child
Written by Marvyn Novick, Professor of Social Work, Ryerson Polytechnic University. November 1999.
Executive Summary of a CAMPAIGN 2000 discussion paper [English, pdf, 4pp 292KB]
L’essentiel pour commencer : Une chance égale pour chaque enfant d’s la naissance, sommaire [French, pdf, 6pp, 166KB]
Mission for the Millennium: A Comprehensive Strategy for Children and Youth
November 1997. Full paper: 30 pages.
Campaign 2000 discussion paper Executive Summary [English, pdf, 2pp, 26KB]
Mandat pour le prochain milléaire : Une stratégie globale pour les enfants et les jeunes, sommaire,[French, pdf, 2pp, 30KB]
Crossroads for Canada: A Time to Invest in Children and Families
November 1996. Full paper: 40 pages.
Campaign 2000 discussion paper Executive Summary – November 1996
Le Canada – la croisee des chemins : Il est temps déinvestir dans l’avenir de nos enfants et de nos familles, sommaire [French, pdf, 2pp, 14KB]