Share your CERB/CRB Story

April 4, 2022
Share Your CERB and/or CRB Story with Campaign 2000
Since Summer 2020, Campaign 2000 has been working with partners from across the country to advocate for a Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) repayment amnesty for people living on low incomes who received Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) or Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) but were later found to be ineligible, or lost other benefits as a result of receiving the CERB/CRB.
What is CERB Amnesty?
The Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) was the first pandemic income support program made available as a result of COVID-19, which was later replaced with the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB). Confusion around eligibility resulted in recipients being deemed ineligible months after receiving the benefit. The failure to make policy adjustments also resulted in other benefits being reduced.
CERB Amnesty refers to all clawed back funds being returned to recipients whose incomes are below or near the low-income measure, immediate cessation of all current and future claw backs, and halting the pursuit of low income tax filers found ineligible for pandemic benefits. Time is running out, as we expect requests for repayments to begin in July 2022.
How can community service providers get involved?
We have met with individuals, advocates, politicians, policymakers, and journalists from across the country about this issue, and one thing is clear: they need to hear the stories of those impacted.
Do you know someone who was:
- received a letter from the Canada Revenue Agency stating they might have been ineligible for the CERB/CRB and requesting more information? OR
- lost or received deductions of other benefits such as social and disability assistance, rent supplements, Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), child benefits, worker benefits and Goods and Services Tax (GST) credits as a result of receiving the CERB/CRB?
If you answered yes, let them know how they can share their story with us:
- Attend a virtual focus group. The 1-hour focus group is being held on Thursday, April 7 at 12:30 PM EST via Zoom. Participants will receive a $50 e-gift card for their participation. You can register for the focus group here:
- Fill out our online survey. Participants can share their stories with us anonymously or choose to use their names or initials. The survey can be accessed here:
- Fill out a hard copy survey. E-mail us at [email protected] to receive a hard copy of this survey that you can print and fill out together with the individual. Completed forms can be sent to us as scans/photos via email or mailed to us at the following address:
Family Service Toronto, ATTN: Campaign 2000, 128a Sterling Rd Toronto, ON M6R 2B7, Canada
For questions, e-mail us at [email protected]