Cross-Canada Support for CERB Repayment Amnesty
June 11, 2021
People across Canada are supportive of a broad repayment amnesty for anyone living on low incomes, according to a Campaign 2000 petition presented to the House of Commons today. The petition, signed by people living in nearly every jurisdiction in the country, called on the government to implement a repayment amnesty for all people who… Continue reading Cross-Canada Support for CERB Repayment Amnesty
Yukon, Saskatchewan, French Nat’l Report Cards Released
March 26, 2021
Today campaign partners in Saskatchewan and Yukon release new reports on child and family poverty. This is the first ever Campaign 2000-affiliated child poverty report released in the Yukon – thank you and congratulations to the Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition. The Yukon report found that in 2018, 10.9% of Yukoners were considered low income, but Yukoners… Continue reading Yukon, Saskatchewan, French Nat’l Report Cards Released
C2000 asks for CERB repayment amnesty for low-income families
December 22, 2020
Campaign 2000 calls on all federal leaders to take a stand in support of all low income people in Canada who have faced economic hardship before and during the pandemic by supporting a broad repayment amnesty for those who received the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) but were later deemed ineligible. “The federal government’s roll… Continue reading C2000 asks for CERB repayment amnesty for low-income families
Is Progress on Ending Child Poverty Stalling?

December 9, 2020
Today, Campaign 2000 releases its annual report on child and family poverty, Beyond the Pandemic: Rising Up for a Canada Free of Poverty. New findings show that prior to the pandemic, over 1,330,000 children in Canada lived in poverty, and the child poverty rate declined less than half a percentage point between 2017-2018 from 18.6% to… Continue reading Is Progress on Ending Child Poverty Stalling?
Fiscal update leaves some vulnerable families behind
December 1, 2020
TORONTO – The federal fall economic statement released yesterday provides some needed support for families hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. It recognizes a myriad of ways in which vulnerable groups have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and subsequent emergency responses, which has shown us how clearly public health cannot be separated from a healthy… Continue reading Fiscal update leaves some vulnerable families behind
More action required for children

May 5, 2020
Campaign 2000: End child and family poverty in Canada, along with over 250 groups and individuals across the country sent a letter today calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the federal COVID Cabinet Committee to ensure children living in poverty from marginalized communities are central to the pandemic response and recovery plan. Written by… Continue reading More action required for children
C2000 Manitoba releases report

April 8, 2020
Today Campaign 2000 partners in Manitoba release their annual report card on the state of child and family poverty, Broken Promise Stolen Futures: Child and Family Poverty in Manitoba, where 1 out of every 6 children living in a two-parent family live in poverty, and 1 out of every 1.6 children living in a single… Continue reading C2000 Manitoba releases report
Minister speaks at C2000 conference

March 6, 2020
Today, Honourable Minister Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children, and Social Development, attended the C2000 National Strategy Conference to share some words about his work on housing, the Canada Child Benefit, intergovernmental collaboration, and other poverty reduction initiatives. Minister Hussen fielded questions on a range of issues including the Multilateral Early Learning and Childcare Framework,… Continue reading Minister speaks at C2000 conference
Campaign 2000’s New National Report Card on Child and Family Poverty Sets the Stage for a Poverty-Free Canada

January 14, 2020
In 1989, all federally represented parties voted unanimously in the House of Commons to end child poverty by the year 2000. After the passing of this resolution, rates of child poverty continued to rise before they decreased. Thirty years later, there are over 1.35 million children living in poverty with their families in Canada today… Continue reading Campaign 2000’s New National Report Card on Child and Family Poverty Sets the Stage for a Poverty-Free Canada
New Report: Child Poverty by Federal Riding

October 7, 2019
In the lead up to the federal election, Campaign 2000 has mapped the prevalence of child poverty by federal riding from coast to coast to coast. The interactive map, produced in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, and this corresponding report is the second update to the initial 2015 report. Using the most… Continue reading New Report: Child Poverty by Federal Riding