All donations towards Campaign 2000 are received and processed through Family Service Toronto (FST). FST is the host agency that provides leadership and key support to Campaign 2000 coalition.
Donate today
On-line: through FST contributions page at CanadaHelps. After you specify the donation amount, you have the opportunity to indicate the frequency of your donation (one time or monthly) and its designation (FST in general or one of our programs). You can also dedicate your donation to another person and send a short message.
By telephone: 416-595-9230 ext. 250 or email [email protected] for details.
By mail: Complete the Donation Form and mail it to: Campaign 2000, c/o Family Service Toronto, 355 Church Street, Toronto, M5B 0B2. Include a cheque with your donation amount.
Important information:
- FST’s legal name: Family Service Toronto
- Incorporated address: 355 Church St. | Toronto | M5A 0B2
- Charitable tax number: 10737 6063 RR0001
FST automatically issues tax receipts for contributions of $10 or more.
Your contribution will go towards supporting Campaign 2000 work against child and family poverty across the country through:
- organizing awareness events and participating in campaigns on poverty issues,
- researching and producing reports and discussion papers,
- participating in meetings and public presentations,
- developing public education resources,
- participating in government consultations and lobbying political parties for improved social policies,
- building public concern and engaging communities.
Quick Links
Contact Details
355 Church Street,
Toronto, M5B 0B2
416.595.9230 ext. 250