Since its inception in 1991, Campaign 2000 has grown over the years to become a vibrant network of national, regional and local partner organizations that have come together with a commitment to working to end child and family poverty in Canada for good.

Campaign 2000 partners – There are more than 120 national, provincial and community partners actively involved in the work of Campaign 2000. Hundreds of other groups across the country work on the issue of child poverty every day, such as children’s aid societies, faith organizations, community agencies, health organizations, school boards, labour organizations, and people with lived experience of poverty. See C2000 partners list.

How to join – We welcome individuals and organizations to join our network. You may volunteer with us or contact any of our partner organizations in your region to get involved. If you are interested in becoming a partner in Campaign 2000, please read the Partners Expectations first and email us to express your interest at: [email protected].