C2000 to release 2018 Report Cards

November 14, 2018
Campaign 2000 will release its annual national Report Card on Child and Family Poverty on Tuesday, November 20 in Ottawa. The report marks 29 years since the unanimous House of Commons resolution to end child poverty in Canada by the year 2000, and nine years since the House voted “to develop an immediate plan to end poverty for all in Canada.
The national release will take place at the National Child Day Breakfast on the Hill for MPs and Senators hosted by the All Party Anti-Poverty Caucus. We are proud to co-present the event with our partners Child Care Now, Canadian Federation of University Women, OXFAM Canada and UNICEF Canada. The national report card release takes place simultaneously with provincial report card releases in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. All report cards and related materials will be available at www.campaign2000.ca on November 20.