July 20, 2016

Canada’s low-income families will keep the full Canada Child Benefit (CCB). All provinces and territories responded to our collective call for no clawbacks! They will support full CCB for families receiving income assistance.

As a result of our hard work by all the Campaign 2000 partners and coalition members, we’re happy to announce that low-income families across the country will be able to keep the full CCB.

Download the newly updated Campaign 2000 Infographic

Read the recent CBC coverage on this issue:
Canada child benefit seen as fighting poverty – as long as provinces co-operate
New Canada Child Benefit program payments start today


Most families with children across Canada will receive their newly-redesigned and enhanced Canada Child Benefit (CCB) cheques in July.

The new CCB took effect July 1, 2016 and has been described as a “once-in-a-generation” social policy to reduce child poverty by Campaign 2000, a non-partisan coalition of 120 groups and individuals co-ordinated by Family Service Toronto. The bolstered, tax-free and progressively-delivered income transfer is projected to significantly reduce child and family poverty. The benefit’s design is very similar to proposals Campaign 2000 has put forward since 2012 and our network recognizes it as a historic step forward in the battle against child and family poverty in Canada.

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