National Campaign 2000 sharable infographic

2017 Report Calls for Federal Leadership

As Canada’s 150th year since confederation closes, the federal government must seize the opportunity to usher in a new poverty-free era, according to Campaign 2000’s 2017 report card on child and family poverty.  The new report calls for Canada’s first Poverty Reduction Strategy to outline a new social contract that responds to the needs of today’s families and lifts individuals and families out of poverty.

The 2017 national report card, “A Poverty-Free Canada Requires Federal Leadership” provides a current snapshot of the depth and breadth of poverty among children and families, outlines how poverty stalls children’s progress and potential and proposes practical policy solutions. In the report, Campaign 2000 recognizes the government’s actions to date to improve income security and anticipates the release of the National Housing Strategy.

On the same day, seven Campaign 2000 provincial partners will release their annual report cards on child and family poverty.  Click on the following links to read and download the new report cards and other materials as they become available:

Campaign 2000 National Report Card on Child and Family Poverty, 2017 in English and French.

Read the C2000 National Media release Nov 21 2017 and French C2000 National Media Release,2017  for our analysis and comments of the new national report card on child and family poverty 2017.

National Campaign 2000 sharable Infographic, 2017

BC Child Poverty Report Card 2017 and visit:

Alberta Child Poverty Report Card 2017 (just released)

Sask Report Card on Child Poverty 2017

Manitoba Child and Family Report 2017

Ontario Report Card on Child and Family Poverty, 2017, in English and French

Nova Scotia Report Card on Child and Family Poverty 2017

New Brunswick Report Card on Child and Family Poverty 2017

PEI Report Card on Child and Family Poverty 2017

Twitter: @Campaign2000


2017 National Report Card in the news:

Toronto Star:
Federal housing strategy could help reduce child poverty rates
Ontario urged to make ending child poverty an election issue

Globe and Mail:
Liberal government urged to be more aggressive in tackling poverty